1. School of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China
The spread of fake news on online media is very dangerous and can lead to
casualties, effects on psychology, character assassination, elections for
political parties, and state chaos. Fake news that concerning Covid-19
massively spread during the pandemic. Detecting misinformation on the
Internet is an essential and challenging task since humans face difficulty
detecting fake news. We applied BERT and GPT2 as pre-trained using the
BiGRU-Att-CapsuleNet model and BiGRU-CRF features augmentation to solve Fake
News detection in Constraint @ AAAI2021 - COVID19 Fake News Detection in
English Dataset. This research proved that our hybrid model with
augmentation got better accuracy compared to our baseline model. It also
showed that BERT gave a better result than GPT2 in all models; the highest
accuracy we achieved for BERT is 0.9196, and GPT2 is 0.8986.
National Library of Serbia
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17 articles.