1. Filozofski fakultet, Beograd
By applying ethno-symbolist approach in studying premodern ethnic community
shaping, this article analyzes the role of the most important saintly, martyr
and heroic figures of the Serbian folk epics in development of the Serbian
ethnicity up to the nineteenth century. This symbolic content was viewed
through the prism of the theoretical concept of ethno-history, i.e. as a part
of a complex ethnic narrative which contains different parts of myths and
historical memories of members of an ethnie. Special attention was given to
explanation of social conditions which were, in historical perspective,
defining character of collective memory of premodern Serbs. Findings of the
researches showed that epic characters of Prince Lazar, Milos Obilic, and
Prince Marko, as well as protagonists of poems about Serbian battles against
Ottoman Empire from the beginning of the nineteenth century, originated as a
result of different group interests and needs initiated by political,
cultural and economic features of the time when the poetry was made. By the
same token, historical role of the Serbian church, as well as the influence
of centuries of social subordination of the members of Serbian ethnic
community during the Ottoman reign. Findings of this analysis leads to a
conclusion that building of an ethnical identity, as a rule, is not a linear
and spontaneous process, marked with continual accumulation of memories, and
its development is defined with the moments of collective forgetting, much
needed for the survival of the group.
National Library of Serbia
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1 articles.