1. Faculty of Medicine, Dental Clinic of Vojvodina, Novi Sad
2. Faculty of Medicine, Novi Sad
Introduction. Predictable endodontic treatment depends on the dentist?s
knowledge about root canal morphology and its possible anatomic variations.
The majority of mandibular canines have one root and root canal, but 15% may
have two canals and a smaller number may have two distinct roots. The
following clinical reports describe endodontic treatment of mandibular
canines with two roots and two root canals. Outline of Cases. Four clinical
case reports are presented to exemplify anatomical variation in the human
mandibular canine. Detailed analysis of the preoperative radiographs and
careful examination of the pulp chamber floor detected the presence of two
root canal orifices in all canines. Working length was determined with an
electronic apex locator and biomechanical preparation was carried out by
using engine driven BioRaCe Ni-Ti rotary instruments in a crown-down manner,
followed by copious irrigation with 1% sodium hypochlorite. Definitive
obturation was performed using cold lateral condensation with gutta-percha
cones and Top Seal paste. The treatment outcome was evaluated using
postoperative radiographs. Conclusion. Endodontists should be aware of
anatomical variations of the treated teeth, and should never presume that
canal systems are simple.
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia
National Library of Serbia
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4 articles.