1. Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Biologie si Nutritie Animala-Balotesti, Romania-IBNA- Balotesti, Romania
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the partial or total
replacement of the inorganic Cu and Fe salts by organic forms of these
elements on broiler performance and on the elimination of minerals through
broiler droppings. A study was conducted for 42 days on 240 broiler chicks
treated with trace elements chelates with amino acids: B-TRAXIMRTEC Cu-I30;
BTRAXIMRTEC Fe-120. The broiler chicks were housed in cages (10 chicks per
cage, 6 cages per group) and assigned to 4 groups (C, E1, E3 and E3) fed on
the same corn-soybean meal-based diet. Phased-feeding was used according to
the developmental stages of the broilers (starter, grower and finisher). Feed
intake and the amount of droppings were recorded daily. The daily records of
droppings and their chemical analysis was used to determine the trace
elements load of the droppings. The total or partial replacement of the
inorganic Cu and Fe salts by chelates of these minerals with amino acids in
broiler diets didn?t affect broiler performance. The inclusion of Cu chelates
in broiler diets at the level recommended by the manufacturer of by NRC
decreased by at least 34% the level of Cu (environmentally toxic element) in
the droppings. The corresponding decrease was of 5-21% for Fe.
National Library of Serbia
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2 articles.