The epiphytic bryophyte succession of Picea orientalis forests on the Kumbet High Plateau (Giresun-Turkey)


Ezer Tülay1,Alataş Mevlüt2,Batan Nevzat3,Erata Hüseyin4


1. Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, Niğde, Turkey + Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Landscape Architecture, Niğde, Turkey

2. Munzur University, Tunceli Vocational School, Tunceli, Turkey

3. Karadeniz Technical University, Maçka Vocational School, Trabzon, Turkey

4. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Bayramiç Vocational School, Çanakkale, Turkey


In this study, the epiphytic bryophyte succession of Picea orientalis forests on the K?mbet High Plateau (Giresun-Turkey) were studied. A total of 21 epiphytic bryophyte species were determined (16 mosses and 5 liverworts). The epiphytic bryophyte communities were sampled in 60 sample plots taken from the trunks of Picea orientalis, each of which was 20 ? 20 cm in size. The Index of Ecological Significance (IES), based on a combination of the relative frequency and mean cover of epiphytic bryophytes, was used to evaluate the abundance of bryophyte communities in epiphytic habitats on the tree trunks. In addition, multivariate classification techniques (TWINSPAN and DECORANA) were used to classify the community structures in successional stages. TWINSPAN divided the 60 sample plots into two main groups: a) the lower base communities (LB) and b) the middleupper zone communities (MU). Moreover, the middle-upper zone communities (MU) were divided into two sub-groups associated with the successional gradient (MU1 and MU2). DECORANA classified these communities along the ordination axes 1 and 3 related to the height gradient of Picea orientalis and the moisture (from mesic to xeric) gradient of the epiphytic habitat. While Exsertotheca crispa, Cynodontium fallax, Lewinskya striata, and Habrodon perpusillus were only found on old spruce trees, Drepanium fastigiatum was only found on young trees and Lophocolea heterophylla was only found on middle-aged trees.


National Library of Serbia


Plant Science

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