1. Science of Ceramic Processes and Surface Treatment Laboratory, (SPCTS UMR CNRS), Centre Européen de la Céramique, Limoges, France + Fluid Mechanics and Energetic Laboratory (LMFE URAC CNRST), Faculty of Sciences Semlalia, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakech,
2. Fluid Mechanics and Energetic Laboratory (LMFE URAC CNRST), Faculty of Sciences Semlalia, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakech, Morocco
3. Study and Research on Wood Material Laboratory (LERMAB), University Institute of Technology of Longwy, University of Lorraine, Cosnes-et-Romain, France
4. Science of Ceramic Processes and Surface Treatment Laboratory, (SPCTS UMR CNRS), Centre Européen de la Céramique, Atlantis, Limoges, France