MacLaurin’s series expansions for positive integer powers of inverse (hyperbolic) sine and tangent functions, closed-form formula of specific partial Bell polynomials, and series representation of generalized logsine function


Guo Bai-Ni1ORCID,Lim Dongkyu2ORCID,Qi Feng3ORCID


1. School of Mathematics and Informatics, Henan Polytechnic University Jiaozuo, Henan, China

2. Department of Mathematics Education Andong National University Andong, Republic of Korea

3. School of Mathematical Sciences Tiangong University Tianjin, China


In the paper, the authors find series expansions and identities for positive integer powers of inverse (hyperbolic) sine and tangent, for composite of incomplete gamma function with inverse hyperbolic sine, in terms of the first kind Stirling numbers, apply a newly established series expansion to derive a closed-form formula for specific partial Bell polynomials and to derive a series representation of generalized logsine function, and deduce combinatorial identities involving the first kind Stirling numbers.


National Library of Serbia


Applied Mathematics,Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics,Analysis

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