1. Medicinski fakultet, Institut za zdravstvenu zaštitu dece i omladine Vojvodine, Klinika za dečju hirurgiju - Odeljenje ortopedije i traumatologije, Novi Sad
Background/Aim. Femur fractures in children most often occur as a consequence
of traffic accidents, during play and sport activities, and due to different
pathological states. Diagnosis is rather simple and it includes physical and
radiographycal examination. Femur fractures treatment in children can be
operative and unoperative, depending on several facts: age, localisation and
type of fracture, joint injuries of soft tissues, the presence of other
injuries (in polytrauma), economical and social aspects, ect. The aim of this
study was to present epidemiological characteristics of pediatric femur
fractures, that is in the stage of development, including a special analysis
of the used treatment techniques, as well as the comparison of the obtained
data with those from the literature. Methods. The evaluation included
following parameters: age, gender, cause, localisation and type of femur
fracture, applied treatment and hospitalisation duration. Results. Among the
presented 143 patients with femur fracture, 109 were boys and 34 were girls
(3.2 : 1 ratio; p = 0.0001). Average age for both genders was 8.6 years, and
no difference between boys and girls were found for the age (p = 0.758). In
total, the most common fracture was diaphyseal fracture of femur in 93
(65.03%) patients. The second was proximal fracture in 30 (20.98%) patients,
and the last distal fracture of the femur in 20 (13.99%) patients (p =
0.0001). Three main causes of femur fracture can be distinguished: during
play and sport activities in 67 (46.8%) children, in traffic accidents in 64
(44.8%) children, and pathological fractures in 12 (8.4%) children.
Inoperative treatment was applied in 82 (57.3%) patients, and operative one
in 61 (42.7%) patients. The most common tretament was traction, in 71 (49.6%)
patients, followed by immobilization by hip spica cast mostly in young
children. Intramedullar elastic nailing was applied in 16 (11.2%) cases, and
intramedullar rigid nailing (K?ntscher) in 19 (13.3%) cases. Significantlly
longer hospitalization period was detected after traction (21 days) comparing
to other ways of treatment, mainly operative or hip spica cast (5 to 10
days). Conclusion. In young children the standard treatment was hip spica
cast after traction. Intramedullar elastic nailing is a modern trend accepted
as standard in our approach to femur fracture treatment in children.
National Library of Serbia
Pharmacology (medical),General Medicine
Cited by
4 articles.