1. Center of Excellence in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand
For every 0 < q < 1 and 0 ? ? < 1, we introduce a class of analytic functions
f on the open unit disc D with the standard normalization f(0)= 0 = f'(0)-1 and
satisfying |1/1-?(z(Dqf)(z)/h(z)-?)- 1/1-q,(z?D), where h?S*q. This class is denoted by Kq(?),
so called the class of q-close-to-convex-functions of order ?. In this
paper, we study some geometric properties of this class. In addition, we
consider the famous Bieberbach conjecture problem on coefficients for the
class Kq(?). We also find some sufficient conditions for the function to be in
Kq(?) for some particular choices of the functions h. Finally, we provide
some applications on q-analogue of Gaussian hypergeometric function.
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3 articles.