1. Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad
2. Faculty of Technology, Novi Sad
3. NIS a.d. Novi Sad, Novi Sad
This work is concerned with the efficiency of two different waste polymeric
materials as the filter media in a laboratory-scale bed coalescer in the
horizontal fluid flow mode, operating in a steady-state regime. The applied
materials are: waste polyethylene terephthalate from textile industry, BA1
and waste polypropylene from carpet industry, PP. Using these compressible
fiber polymeric materials, high bed porosity (up to 98%) could be obtained.
The investigation was carried out over a wide range of working conditions.
Bed permeability was varied in the range from 0.18?10-9 to 5.389?10-9 m2.
Operating fluid velocity was varied from 19 to 80 m/h, until the critical
velocity was reached. Different oily wastewaters were used in the
experiments. Oily wastewater is defined as the oil-inwater emulsion model
prepared using mineral oils of different physico-chemical characteristics:
crude oil (A) from Vojvodina region, two vacuum distillation fractions (A1,
A4), and blended petroleum product with a high paraffinic content (P1). Both
applied polymeric materials, BA1 and PP, showed high separation efficiency
for treatment of all investigated oily wastewater. However, the BA1 material
showed higher efficiency in a wider range of bed permeability and
physico-chemical characteristics of oil.
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia
National Library of Serbia
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2 articles.