1. Faculty of Metallurgy and Technology, Podgorica, Yugoslavia
2. Faculty of Physical Chemistry, Belgrade
The electrochemical deposition and dissolution of copper in 0.0025 M CuSO4 +
N,N-dimethylformamide + 0.5 M KClO4 solution was examined by the rotating
disc and potentiodynamic methods. Both platinum and copper were used as
working electrodes. A wide polarization range -1 to +2 V vs. SCE, and
several temperatures between 25 and 55?C were encompased. The Cu/electrolyte
interface was found to be permanently out of equilibrium, as a consequence
of the development of a passivating layer. In accordance with the classic
theory of a copper electrode in acidified aqueous solutions, the cathodic
and anodic Tafel lines of metallic copper define a unique value of the
exchange current density, however, their slopes do not correspond to the
classic theory.
National Library of Serbia
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2 articles.