1. Akropolis, Nicosia, Cyprus
It is shown that for ideal polymers interacting with a surface via the
pseudopotential of a delta function, the number of contacts between the
monomer units and the surface as a function of concentration cb is a
dependence of the form cb/(1-cb). The architecture of the polymer, the
degree of polymerization, the interaction energy between a monomer unit and
the surface, the area of the surface and the monomer length are embodied in
the parameters and. The above dependence of the adsorbed mass of a
polymer on the concentration is confirmed by the experimental results of
Takahashi and his collaborators. For linear polystyrene of molecular weight
134 105,interacting with a chrome plate, the parameters and are,
respectively, about equal to (89938/273)-6 m and (-19300/273)m3 kg-1.
National Library of Serbia