1. Clinic for gynecology and obstetrics, Clinical center of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia
Objects: This study was undertaken to investigate frequency and the type of
chromosomal aberrations which are causing primary amenorrhea in our
patients. Methods: The study subjects included 110 patients referred with
primary amenorrhea for cytogenetics investigation and counseling. Primary
amenorrhea was defined as the absence of menstruation and secondary sexual
characteristics in phenotypic women aged 14 years or older, or aged 16 years
or older if secondary sexual characteristics were present. Peripheral blood
samples were processed using standard techniques. All spacimens were
G-banded using tripsin-Giemsa. For each case, 22 metaphase spreads were
analyzed and when mosaicism was suspect 100 metaphases were examined.
Results: We have examined cytogenetically 110 patients with primary
amenorrhea. Chromosomal aberrations were detected in 21 cases (19,1%). Male
karyotype (46,XY) was found in seven cases, as well as monosomy X (45,X). In
three cases isochromosome X (46,XiXq) was detected. We found two cases of
mosaic karyotype 46,XX/45,X and X chromosome trisomy (47,XXX) and mosaic
karyotype 45,X/46,XiXq in one case each. Conclusion: Chromosome aberrations
are one of the main causes of primary amenorrhea. The search for genetic
component is the utmost importance for diagnosis, risk assessment and
genetic counseling.
National Library of Serbia