1. School of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Chongqing Metropolitan College of Science and Technology, Yongchuan, Chongqing, China
2. College of Forestry ,Guizhou University, Guiyang, Guizhou, China
3. Department of Biology. Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
In biology, biogeography, ecology, and conservation, species identification
is critical. Hesperis L. is a Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) genus of 46 species
found across the temperate northern hemisphere, from South and Central
Europe to Southwest Asia, Caucasia, and the mountainous portions of West
China and Mongolia. According to the latest therapies, Hesperis is expressed
in Iran by six species. Despite the fact that several Hesperis species are
widely distributed throughout Iran, nothing is known about their genetic
diversity, divergence techniques, or dispersion patterns. As a result, we
examined 122 accessions from six Hesperis species gathered from various
locations in Iran using genetic (ISSR markers) and morphological techniques.
A total of ten ISSR markers were employed in this study. The Nei's genetic
distance was used to measure genetic distances, and descriptive statistics
of folks were used to produce genetic parameters. There were a total of 118
polymorphic bands found. The study's aims are as follows: 1) Is it possible
to identify Hesperis species using ISSR markers? 2) In Iran, what is the
genetic make-up of these taxa? 3) How do interspecies relationships work?
According to the conclusions of this research, morphological and ISSR data
may be utilized to identify species. The Hesperis species are genetically
distinct yet share significant genes, according to the AMOVA and STRUCTURE
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