1. Clinic for Maxillofacial, Oral Surgery and Implantology, Military Medical Academy, Belgrade + Faculty of Medicine of the Military Medical Academy, University of Defense, Belgrade
2. Clinic for Maxillofacial, Oral Surgery and Implantology, Military Medical Academy, Belgrade
Introduction. Odontogenic keratocyst (OKC) is a rare developmental,
epithelial and benign cyst of the jaws of odontogenic origin with high
recurrence rates. The third molar region, especially the angle of the
mandible and the ascending ramus are involved far more frequently than the
maxilla. The choice of treatment approach was based on the size of the cyst,
recurrence status, and radiographic evidence of cortical perforation.
Different surgical treatment options like marsupialization, decompression,
enucleation, enucleation with Carnoy?s solution, peripheral ostectomy with or
without Carnoy?s solution, and jaw resection have been discussed in the
literature with variable rates of recurrence. Case report. We presented a
52-yearold male with orthokeratinized odontogenic keratocyst. Elliptical
unilocular radiolucency located in the third molar region and the ascending
ramus of the mandible, 40 ? 25 mm in diameter with radiographic evidence of
cortical perforation at the anterior ramus border of the mandible 20 mm in
diameter, was registrated on orthopantomographic radiography. Surgical
treatment included enucleation of the cyst and peripheral ostectomy with the
use of Carnoy?s solution and excision of the overlying attached mucosa.
Postoperatively, no paresthesia in the inervation area of the inferior
alveolaris nerve was registrated. Recurrences were not registrated within 5
years post-intervention. Coclusion. Treatment of odontogenic keratocyst with
enucleation and peripheral ostectomy with the use of Carnoy?s solution and
excision of the overlying attached mucosa had a very low rate of recurrence.
Radical and more aggressive surgical treatments as jaw resection should be
reserved for multiple recurrent cysts and when OKC is associated with nevoid
basal cell carcinoma syndrome (NBCCS). Following the treatment protocol in
the management of OKC and systematic and long-term postsurgical follow-up are
considered key elements for successful results.
National Library of Serbia
Pharmacology (medical),General Medicine
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7 articles.