MakeCode arcade platform for game-based learning


Vostinár Patrik1


1. Department of Computer Science, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia


Currently, there is an increasing demand for specialists in the field of computer science. However, for many children computer science is not as interesting as it could be. They learn many topics in a very short time and usually do not have the motivation to continue their studies in Computer Science. The solution could be teaching through games. In this paper, we describe our research into whether the MakeCode Arcade environment is suitable for teaching programming through games (game-based learning platform). In the research, we compare the responses of 315 male and female students and the responses of elementary and secondary school students. The research showed that boys liked the MakeCode environment more than girls and also that programming games in this environment were more meaningful to them as the girls. In this contribution, we describe also our experiences with using this environment for teaching in extracurricular activity at our university, in normal lessons in primary schools, as a motivational tool for distance workshops and also for workshops for teachers.


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