1. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department for Music Studies, Athens, Greece
The complex authorship of Stravinsky?s Poetics of Music, as a result of the
collaboration between the Russian composer himself, the composer and critic
Alexis Roland-Manuel and the Russian ?migr? thinker Pierre Souvtchinsky, has
been well established by now. This article traces the latter?s contribution
to Stravinsky?s book moving beyond the obvious places to look, namely the
fifth chapter (written by Souvtchinsky) and the well-known reference to
Souvtchinsky?s ideas on music and time. The Poetics will thus intriguingly
emerge as a most unexpected platform for the presentation and dissemination
of positions associated with a certain strand of Eurasianism, the Russian
?migr? intellectual and political movement, with which Souvtchinsky was
closely associated.
National Library of Serbia
Reference43 articles.
1. Craft, Robert. 1982-1983. “Roland-Manuel and the ‘Poetics of Music’”. Perspectives of New Music 21 (1/2): 487-505.
2. Dufour, Valérie. 2003. “La Poétique Musicale de Stravinsky: Un manuscrit inédit de Souvtchinsky”. Revue de Musicologie 89 (2): 373-392.
3. Dufour, Valérie. 2006. Stravinski et ses exégètes (1910-1940). Bruxelles: Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles.
4. Dufour, Valérie. 2013. “The Poétique Musicale: A Counterpoint in Three Voices”. In Stravinsky and his World, edited by Tamara Levitz, chapter translated by Bridget Behrman and Tamara Levitz, 225-254.
5. Dufour, Valérie. 2021. “‘Poetics of Music”’. In The Cambridge Stravinsky Encyclopedia, edited by Edward Campbell and Peter O’Hagan, 332-334. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.