1. Odeljenje za filozofiju, Filozofski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu
In the early thirties of the twentieth century Wittgenstein advanced his new
conception of language based on the idea of rule following. It is less known
that at the same time (and as far as I can tell, independently) Ajdukijewicz
developed himself an idea of the language meaning related to the rule
following activity, which he used in defence of radical conventionalism.
Tadeusz Czarnecki analyses papers of two philosophers both published in
1934, and offers a critique of Ajdukijewicz?s theory of meaning. He claims
that while Wittgenstein has in his philosophical arsenal the means to assure
intersubjectivity of meaning, Ajdukijewicz fails in that respect. In this
paper I want to show that this critique is ill- placed. I will claim that
the interpretation of Ajukijewicz?s directival theory of meaning offered by
Czarnecki is not accurate because it is neglecting some important aspects of
Ajdukijewicz?s conventionalist position.
National Library of Serbia
Reference13 articles.
1. Ajdukijewicz, K. (1931) “On the Meaning of Expressions”, u Giedymin, J. (ed.) Kazimierz Ajdukijewicz The scientific World-Perspective and Other Essays, D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1978.
2. Ajdukijewicz, K. (1934a) “The World-Picture and the Conceptual Apparatus”, u Giedymin, J. (ed.) Kazimierz Ajdukijewicz The scientific World-Perspective and Other Essays, D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1978.
3. Ajdukijewicz, K. (1934b) “Language and Meaning”, u Giedymin, J. (ed.) Kazimierz Ajdukijewicz The scientific World-Perspective and Other Essays, D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1978.
4. Ajdukijewicz, K. (1949) “On the Notion of Existence”, u Giedymin, J. (ed.) Kazimierz Ajdukijewicz The scientific World-Perspective and Other Essays, D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1978.
5. Czarnecki, T. (1998) “On Ajdukiewicz’s Empirical Meaning-Rule and Wittgenstein’s Defining Criterion”, u Kijania-Placek, K. i Wolenski, J. (ed.) The Lvov-Warsaw School and Contemporary Philosophy, Springer, Dordrech.