On the upper dual Zariski topology


Çeken Seçil1


1. Trakya University, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Mathematics, Edirne, Turkey


Let R be a ring with identity and M be a left R-module. The set of all second submodules of M is called the second spectrum of M and denoted by Specs(M). For each prime ideal p of R we define Specsp(M) := {S? Specs(M) : annR(S) = p}. A second submodule Q of M is called an upper second submodule if there exists a prime ideal p of R such that Specs p(M)? 0 and Q = ? S2Specsp(M)S. The set of all upper second submodules of M is called upper second spectrum of M and denoted by u.Specs(M). In this paper, we discuss the relationships between various algebraic properties of M and the topological conditions on u.Specs(M) with the dual Zarsiki topology. Also, we topologize u.Specs(M) with the patch topology and the finer patch topology. We show that for every left R-module M, u.Specs(M) with the finer patch topology is a Hausdorff, totally disconnected space and if M is Artinian then u.Specs(M) is a compact space with the patch and finer patch topology. Finally, by applying Hochster?s characterization of a spectral space, we show that if M is an Artinian left R-module, then u.Specs(M) with the dual Zariski topology is a spectral space.


National Library of Serbia


General Mathematics








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