Analysis of grassland associations of Stara Planina mountain


Tomic Z.1,Bijelic Z.1,Krnjaja V.1


1. Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade-Zemun


Production of organic, biologically valuable food is a trend in the World today, and in our country it can be successfully realized in production of meat and milk from small ruminants, sheep and goats in hilly-mountainous region. Namely, grasslands in these regions are well preserved from the utilization of mineral fertilizers and chemical preparations for plant protection, therefore production of healthy food is still possible with minimum investments. The quality of plant mass is very important, i.e. presence of high quality plant species in the grassland, as well as possibility for increase of their percentage in the grassland. For this purpose, research was carried out and plant associations most present on Stara Planina Mountain on altitude of 650 to 1200 m were analyzed from the aspect of phytocenology. On these locations recordings were made and samples were taken for analysis in the period 2002-2005 and in year 2008. Total of 8 associations were analyzed, and two of them Agrostietum vulgarae Z. Pavl. 1955. sensu lato. and Festucetum vallesiacae Borisavljevic 1956. occurred repeatedly on several location and different time interval of analysis. Beside mentioned two associations the following were also analyzed: Arrhenatheretum elatioris Br.-Bl. 1925.senso lato, Festuco-Chrysopogonetum grylli Randj. 1977., Danthonietum calycinae Cinc. et Kojic 1958., Medicago falcata-Festucetum rubrae, Trifolio campestre- Agrostietum vulgaris i Festuco vallesiacae-Agrostieutum vulgaris Danon et Blaz.1978 on 17 locations. Number of species in analyzed associations was from 34 to 77. Beside number of plant species also their share categorized in categories of high qualiity grasses, high quality leguminous plants and useful species from other families, as well as harmful i.e. weed species. Main quality parameters were established in samples from all associations. Objective of analyses of natural grasslands was to establish share of high quality plant species, which is reflected directly through production and quality of plant mass grazed by small ruminants, sheep and goats.


National Library of Serbia


General Medicine

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