1. University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Serbia
2. University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mathematics, Serbia
The paper considers realization of the brachistochronic motion of a
nonholonomic mechanical system, composed of variable mass particles, by
means of an ideal holonomic constraint with restricted reaction. It is
assumed that the system performs planar motion in an arbitrary field of
forces and that it has two degrees of freedom. In addition, the laws of the
time-rate of mass variation of the particles, as well as relative velocities
of the expelled and gained particles, respectively, are known. Restricted
reaction of the holonomic constraint is taken for the scalar control.
Applying Pontryagin?s maximum principle and singular optimal control theory,
the problem of brachistochronic motion is solved as a two-point boundary
value problem (TPBVP). Since the reaction of the constraint is restricted,
different types of control structures are examined, from singular to totally
nonsingular. The considerations are illustrated via an example.
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia
National Library of Serbia