1. University of Kaiserslautern, Department of Psychology, Kaiserslautern, Germany
2. Ricoh Institute of Technology, Japan
3. Knowledge Management Department, DFKI Kaiserslautern, Germany
Today?s web-based automatic image enhancement algorithms decide to apply an
enhancement operation by searching for ?similar? images in an online database
of images and then applying the same level of enhancement as the image in the
database. Two key bottlenecks in these systems are the storage cost for
images and the cost of the search. Based on the principles of computational
aesthetics, we consider storing task-relevant aesthetic summaries, a set of
features which are sufficient to predict the level at which an image
enhancement operation should be performed, instead of the entire image. The
empirical question, then, is to ensure that the reduced representation indeed
maintains enough information so that the resulting operation is perceived to
be aesthetically pleasing to humans. We focus on the contrast adjustment
operation, an important image enhancement primitive. We empirically study the
efficacy of storing a pixelated summary of the 16 most representative colors
of an image and performing contrast adjustments on this representation. We
tested two variants of the pixelated image: a ?mid-level pixelized version?
that retained spatial relationships and allowed for region segmentation and
grouping as in the original image and a ?low-level pixelized-random version?
which only retained the colors by randomly shuffling the 50 x 50 pixels. In
an empirical study on 25 human subjects, we demonstrate that the preferred
contrast for the low-level pixelized-random image is comparable to the
original image even though it retains very few bits and no semantic
information, thereby making it ideal for image matching and retrieval for
automated contrast editing. In addition, we use an eye tracking study to show
that users focus only on a small central portion of the low-level image, thus
improving the performance of image search over commonly used computer vision
algorithms to determine interesting key points.
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