Work ability evaluation in neurosarcoidosis: A case report


Milovanovic Aleksandar1,Milovanovic Jovica2ORCID,Torbica Nikola1


1. Institut za medicinu rada i radiološku zaštitu 'Dr Dragomir Karajović', Klinički centar Srbije, Beograd

2. Institut za otorinolaringologiju i maksilofacijalnu hirurgiju, Klinički centar Srbije, Beograd


Sarcoidosis is a multisystemic granulomatous disease of unknown etiology which affects most frequently the hilar lymph nodes and lungs. Symptomatic involvement of the central nervous system may develop in patients diagnosed with sarcoidosis or it may be the initial manifestation of the disease. This is a case report of 48-year old female patient admitted to our clinic for evaluation of working ability. The patient had a total of 24 years of service and occupational exposure and she has been employed as supplies procurement officer. On admission, she complained of the following discomforts: eye-lid pain, intellectual fatigue, psychic uneasiness, forgetfulness, dyspnea and productive cough. Neurological findings indicated the presence of the right eye ophthalmoplegia, psychoorganic syndrome and neurosarcoidosis. Ophthalmological examination evidenced bilateral ptosis and presence of anisocoria. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed discrete focal lesions of the pons (paracentral left) and parietal corona radiata of the left hemisphere. Based on performed examinations and diagnostics procedures, final evaluation of patient?s working ability concluded that the patient was not capable of psychic strains and jobs associated with material accountability.


National Library of Serbia


General Medicine







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