Febrile neutropenia in patients with hematological malignancies - definition, diagnosis and management


Vidovic Ana1,Sefer Dijana2,Rajic Jovan2,Gunjak Tara2,Milosevic Violeta2,Jovanovic Snezana3


1. University Clinical Center of Serbia, Clinic of Hematology, Belgrade + University of Belgrade, Faculty of Medicine, Belgrade

2. University Clinical Center of Serbia, Clinic of Hematology, Belgrade

3. University Clinical Center of Serbia, Department of Microbiology, Belgrade


Intensive chemotherapy/radiotherapy in cancer, especially with hematologic malignancies, causes cellular injury and suppression of inflammatory responses, which increase the risks of neutropenia and febrile episodes. Absolute neutrophil count < 1 ? 109/L is considered neutropenia, with absolute neutrophil count < 0.5 ? 109/L or < 1 ? 109/L that is expected to decrease to < 0.5 ? 109/L in the next 48 hours considered severe neutropenia, while absolute neutrophil count < 0.1 ? 109 is referred as profound neutropenia. Febrile episodes are usually defined as oral temperature > 38.3?C or two consecutive readings > 38.0?C lasting more than 1 hour. Although there is the possibility of non-infection-caused febrile neutropenia, most episodes are caused by infections. Febrile neutropenia is a clinical emergency that requires prompt management. Despite advances in therapy in recent years, febrile neutropenia remains a common complication in chemotherapy causing serious clinical results, including death. The administration of empirical antibacterial therapy has been successful in the management of febrile neutropenia since its launching 50 years ago. The wide application of broad-spectrum antibiotics has effectively decreased the mortality of febrile neutropenia patients. Neutropenic patients who remain febrile despite 4-7 days of broad-spectrum antibacterial therapy are at a high risk of invasive fungal infection. Empirical antifungal therapy with Amphotericin B or Caspofungin in persistently febrile neutropenic patients and other high-risk patients has shown to reduce the risk of invasive fungal infection by 50 - 80% and the risk of fungal infection-related mortality by 23- 45%. Lipid formulations which improve the therapeutic ratio of the traditional formulation are available


National Library of Serbia


General Medicine

Reference14 articles.








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