1. Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade
In this paper, I analyze and compare Maria Kronfeldner?s and Tim Ingold?s
views on the conceptual relationship between nature and culture. I show that
despite the differences, their views remain close, particularly in terms of
their integrative potential. The ultimate purpose of this examination is to
lay the groundwork for further research on the problem of conceptual
integration between sociocultural anthropology and evolutionary psychology.
The paper comprises four main sections. First, I briefly explore the history
of Darwinism to show how nature and culture were conceptualized within this
framework. Second, I deal with Kronfeldner?s separationist stance and
Ingold?s holistic perspective on the nature/ culture conceptual
relationship. Third, I discuss the implications of their views on the choice
of research heuristics in the sciences that study human nature and cultures.
While I interpret Ingold as supporting methodological integration,
Kronfelder argues for a version of integrative pluralism. Lastly, I provide
an outlook for further discussions on conceptual integration and integrative
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