1. Department of Biology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2. Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran, Iran
Chenopodiaceae is a large, diverse and cosmopolitan family within the order
Carophyllales. The majority of Chenopodiaceae species are adapted to saline,
hypersaline, xerophytic and xerohalophytic communities or ruderal habitats.
The family Chenopodiaceae is stenopolinous the pollen grains are monad and
exclusively polypantoporate with tiny spinules on both tectum and operculum.
Pollen morphology of six genera of Chenopodiaceae (Seidlitzia, Atriplex,
Bassia, Salsola, Krascheninnikovia and Spinacia) have been studied in
details. These plant species were collected from different phytogeographical
regions of Iran. The palynological investigation was done using scanning
electron microscopy (SEM) techniques. Pollen characters studied in this
study include pollen and pore diameters, number and density of apertures,
interporal distance (chord), chord/pollen diameter ratio, pore
diameter/pollen diameter ratio as well as spinule density on tectum and
operculum. We used different multivariate statistical methods to reveal the
species relationships. Ward clustering analyses have been done to check out
the relationship among the species. The shapes of pollen grains were
radially symmetrical, isopolar, pantopolyporate and spheroidal. Their exine
structure is similar. In the Chenopodiaceae, three pollen types have been
defined, mainly on the basis of pollen grain size, pore number, number of
microechinae on pore membrane, the density of spinules, and pore edge shape.
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