1. Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran
The genetic diversity of Valsa sordida isolates from different geographical
regions and hosts was investigated using MP-PCR markers. PCR amplifications
were done using eight primers. Of them, only four primers [(ATC)7, (ACTG)4,
(CGA)5, and (AAC)8] produced polymorphic bands. At least 88.5% polymorphism
was revealed by four primers and the maximum polymorphism (97%) was
generated by (ACTG)4 primer and three diagnosable groups (1, 2 and 3) were
resolved in the resulting dendrogram constructed by the UPGMA algorithm. The
results showed high polymorphism among the isolates and confirmed the merit
and accuracy of the MP-PCR markers for studying the genetic variability of
V. sordida isolates at the intra-species level. We have not found any
correlations between observed genetic diversity and the geographical region
or host plant of the isolates, unless in limited cases. The abundant
formation of the sexual state of the fungus in the infected parts of trees,
as well as possible asexual recombination during asexual reproduction, are
suggested as influencing factors of high genetic variability among the
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia
National Library of Serbia
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