At the limits of knowledge: Philosophy and religion in Southwestern Neo-Kantianism


Bonifaci Jacinto1ORCID


1. Universidad Diego Portales, Instituto de Filosofía


The present paper investigates the essential tenets of the Southwestern Neo-Kantians? take on the philosophy of religion. Specifically, I concentrate on two diverse aspects of Windelband and Rickert?s approaches to religion. In the first place, I look at the way in which they determine religious values. In the second place, I focus on the manner in which they confront religion with the systematic structure of culture. As a result of the analysis of the texts of both authors, we see that it is possible to detect at least three possible roads to elaborate a philosophy of religion. In spite of this plurality of paths, I argue that they exhibit a similar underlying problem, namely, the problematic relationship between transcendental philosophy and metaphysics. It is for this reason that the philosophy of religion takes the form of a reflection on the limits of knowledge, and with it, on the limits of transcendental philosophy.


National Library of Serbia


Sociology and Political Science,Philosophy

Reference21 articles.

1. Bauch, Bruno (1925), „Das Problem der Religionsphilosophie im System des tranzendentalen Idealismus“, Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche 6 (1): 1-28.

2. Bauch, Bruno (1932), Anfangsgründe der Philosophie, 2nd Edition, Leipzig: Meiner.

3. Crowe, Benjamin (2010), “Faith and Value: Heinrich Rickert’s Theory of Religion”, Journal of the History of Ideas 71 (4): 617-636.

4. Heinz, Marion (2006), „Normalbewusstsein und Wert. Kritische Diskussion von Windelbands Grundlegung der Philosophie“, in Marion Heinz, Christian Krijnen (eds.), Kant im Neukantianismus. Fortschritt oder Rückschritt, Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann, pp. 75-90.

5. Hessen, Johannes (1919), Die Religionsphilosophie des Neukantianismus, Freiburg: Herdersche Verlagshandlung.







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