1. Filozofski fakultet, Odeljenje za psihologiju, Beograd
Dynamic assessment is presumed to reveal specific difficulties in cognitive
problem solving and determine the kinds of support which may aid in
overcoming them. In the present study we examined whether these additional
data provided by dynamic assessment contribute to the informativeness and
usefulness of assessment reports, as rated by teachers. In the preliminary
phase, nine preschoolers were tested with the adapted Serbian WISC,
containing an additional block of dynamic assessment. In the main phase, two
groups of elementary teachers (Nstat= 41, Ndyn= 44) rated the
informativeness, usefulness, and clarity of reports based on either static,
or static+dynamic assessment of three children from the preliminary sample.
The results indicate a significant positive effect of dynamic assessment on
teachers? ratings of the informativeness of reports (particularly regarding
the child?s reactions to adult scuffolding) and their combined ratings of
several aspects of the reports? usefulness. The reports did not differ with
respect to clarity, and their informativeness and usefulness were generally
rated very high. The findings thus provide empirical support for the proposed
advantages of dynamic assessment, encourage its use in assessing school
readiness, and urge school psychologists to regularly inform teachers on
their observations from both static and dynamic cognitive assessment.
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia
National Library of Serbia
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1 articles.