Damage control surgery in abdominal trauma


Karamarkovic A.R.1,Popovic N.M.2,Blagojevic Z.B.3,Nikolic V.T.4,Gregoric P.B.1,Bukurov M.N.1,Djukic V.R.1,Bajec Dj.D.1


1. Klinika za urgentnu hirurgiju KCS, Medicinski Fakultet, Beograd

2. Centar za anesteziju KCS, Medicinski Fakultet, Beograd

3. IOHB 'Banjica', Medicinski Fakultet, Beograd

4. Institut za anatomiju, Medicinski Fakultet, Beograd


The damage control laparotomy is an advancement in the management of massively injured trauma patients. Massive liver injuries, pelvic trauma and some retroperitoneal injuries are some of the indications for this approach. The damage control laparotomy is the phased approach to severe abdominal injury that might best be described with the acronym STIR (Staged Trauma Injury Repair). The initial procedure requires rapid abdominal exploration with hemorrhage and contamination control, using suture repair combined with abdominal packing. Temporary abdominal wall closure without tension is recommended. After abrevated initial surgical procedure, the patient is transferred to the intensive care unit where continued resuscitation is performed. Careful replacement of blood and blood products along with correction of hypothermia, acidosis and optimalization of oxygen transport represents a critical phase in this management approach. Once the coagulation profile has normalized, planned re-intervention, with repeat abdominal exploration to remove the packs and perform definitive surgical repair and reconstruction takes place. When applied judiciously, the damage control laparotomy with the staged abdominal repair and reconstruction for severe trauma is associated with an improved outcome in the selected group of patients.


National Library of Serbia


General Medicine








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