1. Dom zdravlja „Dr Milutin Ivković“, Sektor funkcionalne dijagnostike, Beograd
This paper considers the consequences of mobbing in order to indicate
possibilities for their measurement. Mobbing can be measured through its
effects as the mental, physical and social consequences of mobbing are
visible and can be quantified. The effect of mobbing can be expressed by the
difference in the health of the victim of mobbing before and after exposure
to the stressful mobbing activities. This can be compared through laboratory
and specialist analysis of auto anamnestic data, accessible through the
employee?s cumulative health record that is kept with the occupational health
institution or with the employee?s chosen physician. It is expected the
consequences of mobbing will correlate with the length and intensity of
exposure, as well as with the personal ?equation? of the victim and the
circumstances of the surroundings. Using medical records, an expert could
provide a statement on the degree of intangible damage made to the employee
who has suffered harassment at work. The intensity of exposure to mobbing and
the degree of pain caused can be measured by assessment scales. A major
drawback of these instruments lies in their strong dependence on culture.
National Library of Serbia
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1 articles.