1. Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biology, Trabzon, Turkey
In the Turkish flora, the genus Matricaria is present with four taxa, namely
M. aurea, M. chamomilla var. chamomilla, M. chamomilla var. recutita and M.
matricarioides. This study presents an evaluation of selected diagnostic
characters and anatomical traits of the achene (cypsela) of Matricaria in
Turkey using univariate analysis (one-way analysis of variance) and
multivariate analysis (cluster analysis, principal component analysis) to
obtain new information. Three groups are found within the genus Matricaria
based on morphoanatomical characteristics. The colour of disc florets, that
of ribs on the achenes, the presence or absence of a slime envelope and
pericarp thickness are useful for delimitation of Matricaria taxa, and a key
to taxa based on these characters together with other diagnostic traits is
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