1. University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Forestry, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2. Bavarian offices for Forest Seeding and Planting, Teisendorf, Germany
3. Faculty of Forestry, Belgrade
4. Institute of Forestry, Belgrade
Norway spruce is one of the most important economic species is Bosnia and
Herzegovina. It is the species at the edge of its natural range; nevertheless
it attains significant growth and yield results. The species is often used
for afforestation purposes. In the previous period, 4 progeny tests of Norway
spruce were established in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The offspring from 6
natural populations: Han Pijesak 1, Han Pijesak 2, Foca, Potoci, Olovo and
Knezevo were build-in the progeny tests. In 2016, the samples of Norway
spruce from 2 progeny tests: Srebrenica and Drinic were collected. In total,
360 samples were collected. DNA isolation was done according to Dumoline et
al. (1990). For assessment of genetic differences among populations,
co-dominant nSSR microsatellite system had been used. The number of effective
alleles ranged from 7.78 in the population Potoci up to 15 in the population
Knezevo, the average number of alleles was 13. The observed heterozygosity
ranged from 0.61 for the population Han Pijesak 2 up to 0.68 for population
Knezevo. The average observed heterozygosity was 0.65. Fixation index was in
the range from -0.073 in the population Potoci, to 0.030 for the population
Han Pijesak 2. The average value of Wright fixation index is -0.007. The
average fixation index indicates the existence of a very small number of
homozygotes. Concerning the variability among populations it has been
concluded that the total level of genetic differentiation among populations
was very low (FST= 0.026). The result of Nei?s genetic distance shows that
the populations Olovo and Potoci are separated from other populations. The
results obtained by genetic markers, in addition with other, morphological
and physiological markers will be the basis for the further investigation of
Norway spruce adaptability and possibility for the transfer of genetic
material in light of climate changes.
National Library of Serbia
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