1. Northwestern State Medical University named after. I. I. Mechnikov of Minzdrav of Russia
COVID-19 is characterized by various adverse consequences and complications, the prevention of which affects the outcome of the disease. Aim of the study was to investigate the thrombohemorrhagic events of COVID-19 infection. Material and methods. This study involved 403 patients with novel coronavirus infection; the patients were divided into 2 groups: 75 with COVID-19 complications and 328 patients without complications. Metabolic disorders, features of lung damage, comorbidity, signs of inflammation and coagulation, treatment outcomes, peculiarities of thrombotic events and hemorrhages development were studied. Results and its discussion. Thrombohemorrhagic complications of COVID-19 occurred mostly in patients with angina pectoris, coronary artery sclerosis and chronic heart failure of functional class II–III, as well as decompensated diabetes mellitus and obesity. These coronavirus infection effects are often accompanied by an increase in content of inflammatory markers such as CRP and ferritin, as well as of hypercoagulability (D-dimers). Conclusions. Manifestations of inflammatory coagulopathy in patients infected by COVID-19 increases risk of thrombohemorrhagic complications.
Institute of Cytology and Genetics, SB RAS
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