1. Age-friendly environments in Europe: Indicators, monitoring and assessments. Available at: https://www.euro.who.int/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/377481/afeeindicators-monitoring-eng.pdf
2. There are more than 7 million single elderly people in Russia. NAFI. Available at: https://nafi.ru/analytics/v-rossii-bolee-7-millionov-odinokikh-pozhilykhlyudey/ [In Russian].
3. AGE Platform for Europe (2020). COVID-19: Older persons’ rights must be equally protected during the pandemic. Coronavirus COVID-19. Available at: https://www.age-platform.eu/policy-work/news/covid-19-older-persons’-rights-must-be-equally-protected-during-pandemic
4. The doctor warned about the dangers of self-isolation for the elderly. Available at: https://www.m24.ru/news/obshchestvo/05042020/113098 [In Russian].
5. Ar’ev A.L., Ovsyannikova N.A., Ar’eva G.T., Dzakhova S.D., Khavinson V.Kh. Polymorbidity in geriatrics. Prakticheskaya onkologiya = Practical Oncology. 2015; 3 (16): 83–91. [In Russian].