Relationships between the level of psycho-emotional stress and the content of biogenic amines, sex and thyroid hormones in male population of Arkhangelsk


Molodovskaya I. N.1ORCID,Tipisova E. V.1ORCID,Alikina V. A.1ORCID,Elfimova A. E.1ORCID,Zyabisheva V. N.1ORCID


1. N. Laverov Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research of UrB RAS


The article presents the relationship between the level of psycho-emotional stress and the content of biogenic amines, sex and thyroid hormones in healthy men in the city of Arkhangelsk, taking into account the change of seasons.Material and methods. The study involved 20 men aged 25–44 years. The content of hormones, biogenic amines in serum was determined by enzyme immunoassay. To assess the level of psycho-emotional stress, a survey was conducted using the questionnaire “Your well-being”, developed by O.S. Kopina, E.A. Suslova, E.V. Zaikin, as well as A. Beck’s depression questionnaire.Results and discussion. A greater number of relationships between the studied parameters was revealed in the transitional periods of the year (March and September), which allows us to consider the spring and autumn as provoking factors in psychosocial stress development. In healthy people, the higher peripheral conversion of iodothyronines associates with the higher satisfaction with vital needs in the fall. The subjective assessment of the health is characterized by exclusively positive relationships with thyroid (spring and autumn) and sex (summer, winter) hormones. Indicators of personal satisfaction in all seasons of the year negatively correlate with the level of sex hormones and sex hormone-binding globulin, and indicators of stress and depression negatively correlate with content of pituitary hormones (luteinizing, thyroid stimulating). Concentration of such monoamines as dopamine (in winter) and acetylcholine (in autumn) positively correlates with feelings of personal satisfaction, while serotonin content shows a negative relationship with the level of satisfaction in autumn.


Institute of Cytology and Genetics, SB RAS

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