Attitude to the health in the open population of a medium-urbanized city of Western Siberia, association with the prevalence of CHD: gender features


Akimov A. M.1ORCID,Kayumova M. M.1ORCID,Gakova E. I.1ORCID,Gakova А. А.1ORCID,Akimova E. V.1ORCID,Gafarov V. V.2ORCID,Kuznetsov V. A.1ORCID,Bessonova M. I.1ORCID


1. Tyumen Cardiology Research Center of Tomsk National Research Medical Center Russian Academy of Science

2. Research Institute of Internal and Prevention Medicine – Branch of Federal Research Center Institute of Cytology and Genetics of SB RAS


The validity of the use of a subjective-objective indicator of health as a significant indicator of its association with the prevalence of coronary artery disease is shown in both domestic and foreign scientific literature. At the same time, the subjective-objective indicator of health, and first of all, the attitude to one's health, is recognized as an indicator of a lifestyle that establishes the interpretation of conventional risk factors for coronary artery disease and interest in preventive measures at the population level. Purpose: to determine the attitude towards one's health in the age range and in groups with and without coronary artery disease in an open population of a medium-urbanized city of Western Siberia in terms of gender. Material and methods. Cross–sectional studies were carried out in the framework of two cardiac screenings on unorganized subpopulations of men and women 25–64 years old in Tyumen (with responses 85.0 and 70.3 %, respectively). The isolation of various forms of coronary heart disease was carried out on the basis of standard epidemiological methods, the comparison group was defined as the absence of coronary heart disease. The attitude of the population to their health was established using a rigidly standardized WHO questionnaire MONICApsychosocial «Knowledge and attitude to the health». Results. In the open population of a moderately urbanized city of Western Siberia, with a predominance among women, a low level of attitude towards their health was established, the prevalence of low responsibility for their health in the gender aspect took place in the third, fourth and sixth decades of life. Negative attitudes towards their health among persons of both sexes were determined mainly in groups with CHD; in women, the tendency towards a decrease in responsibility for their health was more pronounced than in men. Conclusion. When planning a preventive program for the population of a medium-urbanized city of Western Siberia, taking into account the priority impact on the subjective-objective indicator of population health, the implementation of the population strategy will probably not be enough. Taking into consideration the obtained regularities of the growth of negative attitudes towards their health among women, especially in groups with the presence of coronary heart disease, along with the population strategy, it would be optimal to use a high-risk strategy.


Institute of Cytology and Genetics, SB RAS

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