1. Chita State Medical Academy of Minzdrav of Russia
2. Clinical Hospital “RR-Medicine” of Chita
A lot of patients with coronary heart disease often suffer from vascular calcification. In many cases it is accompanied by harmful cardiovascular events. The modern ideas of the relationship between osteoporosis, vascular calcification and inflammation, the general mechanisms of development of vascular calcification and low bone mineral density are discussed. Despite a growing number of studies concerning the combined pathology of the cardiovascular and skeletal systems, a causal relationship between vascular calcification and a decrease in bone mass has not yet been established. Moreover, there is insufficient data on the effect of inflammation on ectopic calcification. Based on the analysis of available clinical and experimental studies, this review describes the main pathogenetic mechanisms of vascular calcification in coronary atherosclerosis. The influence of calcium and vitamin D medicines on the development of vascular calcification is discussed in this article. The author’s attention is focused on early and long-term consequences of percutaneous coronary intervention and coronary bypass surgery in patients with vascular calcification.
Institute of Cytology and Genetics, SB RAS
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