Based on the important role of sports in the life of society, it is necessary to pay attention to this area from the managerial side.
By adopting a proactive and integrated approach to risk management, professional football organizations can enhance resilience, mitigate vulnerabilities, and optimize performance in an increasingly complex and competitive environment. This research provides valuable insights and practical recommendations to support the implementation of effective risk management practices in professional football.
The purpose of conducting research on risk management in professional football is multifaceted and aims to achieve several key objectives: understanding and Identifying Risks, Assessment and Evaluation, Development of Risk Management Strategies, Enhancing Decision-Making Processes, and Promoting Industry Awareness and Collaboration. Overall, the purpose of research on risk management in professional football is to enhance the understanding of risks, develop effective strategies to mitigate them, improve decisionmaking processes, and foster collaboration to promote the long-term sustainability and success of the sport.
The methodological basis of the research is based on various modern methods: systematic approach, analytical and economic statistical analyses, analogy method, comparative and expert evaluations, forecasting, and modeling.
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