Requirements for the location of the observing station for monitoring the deformation processes under the influence of modern geodynamic movements


Shemetov R. S.1


1. Polyus Project LLC


The article spots the problems of choosing the location of the observation station for monitoring deformation processes under the influence of modern geodynamic movements. The object of research is the modern geodynamic movements observed in the rock mass. The purpose of the work is to determine the parameters of the observational station location relative to tectonic faults, which are a zone of concentration of geodynamic movements. The work spots the requirements for the observation station, necessary for the effective monitoring of deformation processes occurring under the influence of modern geodynamic movements. Based on the knowledge of the parameters of modern geodynamic movements, as well as their localization at the boundaries of secondary structural blocks, recommendations are given and substantiated for organization an observation station, the purpose of which is to timely record the action of geodynamic movements in a rock mass. The characteristic of the observation station and its constituent elements is given. Research methods: analysis of Russian’s and international researches of the parameters of geodynamic events proceeded in the rock. As a result, recommendations were made on the location of an observational station used in monitoring deformation processes under the influence of modern geodynamic movements.


LLC Gornaya Kniga


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,Geochemistry and Petrology,Geology,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology,Ecology

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