Science-based solutions on the development of instructions for an emergency response plan for open-pit mines


Kobylkin S. S.1,Kobylkin A. S.1,Balovtsev S. V.1,Kharisov A. R.2


1. National university of science and technology «MISIS»

2. Mines Rescue Service of Republic of Khakassia


At present, in the Russian Federation there are no legislatively approved recommendations on the procedure, structure and requirements for the design of an emergency response plan for coal open-pit mines. Therefore, the development of this document at the mining enterprises is carried out independently, coordinating it with emergency response services serving the hazardous production facility. The absence of regulatory documents forces the enterprise management to make decisions on the structure of the document, forms and its content. This can lead to errors in conducting mine rescue operations when attracting additional forces and means from other units of rescue units. The relevance of creating a single document for everyone to draw up a plan for the elimination of accidents at sections has been repeatedly noted at production meetings with the participation of scientists, specialists from surveillance services and representatives of rescue units. In order to increase the emergency preparedness of enterprises, on the basis of studies of the current regulatory documentation of Rostechnadzor, the EMERCOM of the Russian Federation, Mines Rescue Service and scientific literature, an algorithm was developed for compiling submarines for coal open-pit mines. The analysis of accidents at the coal open-pit mines of the country made it possible to create a list of types of accidents encountered. Based on this, instructions have been developed for the actions of all workers in the mine for the initial period in the event of an accident. Taking into account the existing standard forms for coal mines, the developed document forms for open pits were developed, this will make it possible to unify emergency rescue operations regarding the preparation of documents. Scientifically sound solutions can be used to develop a plan for the elimination of accidents in the future at all mining enterprises engaged in open mining. The results of the work expand knowledge in the field of safety of coal open pit mining.


LLC Gornaya Kniga


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,Geochemistry and Petrology,Geology,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology,Ecology

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