Modeling drive wheels of hoisting machines with rubber cables


Perekutnev V. E.1,Zotov V. V.1


1. National University of Science and Technology «MISiS»


Upgrading of hoisting machines aims to improve their performance, to reduce risk of accidents, and to cut down operational and capital costs. One of the redesign solutions is replacement of steel cables by rubber cables. This novation can extend life of pulling members, decrease diameters of drive and guide wheels and, consequently, elements of the whole hoisting machines: rotor, reducing gear, motor. This engineering novation needs re-designing of hoisting machines; thus, the new design should be validated, in particular, strength characteristics of the machine members. This article considers a drive wheel of a hoisting machine with a pulling belt. In order to justify the potential range of design parameters with regard to safety factor, the numerical models of different-design drive wheels are developed and their operation with pulling belt (rubber cable) is simulated in the SolidWorks environment. The data on the stress state of the wheel elements are analyzed, the most loaded points are identified, and the maximal stresses on the sidewall surface and in the spokes of wheels of different designs are plotted.


LLC Gornaya Kniga


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,Geochemistry and Petrology,Geology,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology,Ecology

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