Accounting of modern geodynamic movements in normative documentation


Kaiumova A. N.1,Balek A. E.2,Ozornin I. L.2


1. The Institute of Mining of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Ural State Mining University

2. The Institute of Mining of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


In article the actual problem of updating of the current legislation on designing for conformity to modern representations about an array of rocks is designated. Modern geodynamic movements play an important role in the formation of hazardous and emergency situations in surface and underground industrial and social facilities. Currently, in the regulatory documentation for the design of modern geodynamic movements are attributed to separate so-called areas of development of natural and technological processes, so the processes arising under the influence of modern geodynamic movements, are studied only for objects of high responsibility and only on additional request of the task, which is prepared by the customer. Prevention of dangerous development of building object destruction is possible at a stage of designing of constructions at performance of engineering researches. In most cases, engineering-geological and engineering-geodetic surveys are conducted without taking into account the factor of modern geodynamics, which is especially unacceptable in the design of social and industrial facilities, to which increased safety requirements are imposed. At present, the requirements of the standards do not fully correspond to the modern concept of rock mass, mobility of the upper crust of the Earth, which significantly complicates their application in practice. By results of researches it is revealed a number of the reasons of a deviation from requirements of standards for increase of safety of new building or operation of already existing responsible objects taking into account deformation processes under the influence of modern geodynamic movements.


LLC Gornaya Kniga


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,Geochemistry and Petrology,Geology,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology,Ecology

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