Analysis of coal bed methane recovery technologies


Arhipov I. A.1


1. National university of science and technology «MISIS»


The study presents data on methane, as one of the most dangerous greenhouse gases. An analysis of the role of coal bed methane in the impact on the Earth ‘s atmosphere is provided; Based on the experience of reducing coal bed methane, the main steps that will ensure the development of this industry are assumed; Comprehensive analysis of methods to ensure methane safety has been carried out. The methodology of scientific research is to analyse and systematize the main scientific papers in the field of reducing the negative impact of methane on the environment and to analyze the main characteristics of coal bed methane recovery technologies. As a result, a set of measures has been defined to reduce the NROS of coal bed methane and various technologies for its extraction from coal beds have been analysed; The main characteristics of coal bed methane recovery technologies are identified and analyzed, affecting the efficiency of reduction of NROS, economic efficiency, as well as methane safety. In the detailed examination of the results, the main positive and negative aspects of various ways to reduce the NROS of coal mine methane were identified; Taking into account the main regularities of gas balance, the trends of methods of gas release control are determined, as well as the high efficiency of reduction of NROS of mine methane during development of a complex solution for its extraction is revealed. Finally, activities have been identified to improve the efficiency of coal bed degassing as technologies that have a positive impact on all performance criteria; The integrated use of various methane safety technologies is justified.


LLC Gornaya Kniga


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,Geochemistry and Petrology,Geology,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology,Ecology

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