Justification of safety measures at the construction of territories over old underground mining by the results of complex researches


Usanov S. V.1,Usanova A. V.1


1. The Institute of Mining of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The area of deformation of the earth’s surface from underground mine workings is generally called the undermined territory. However, the conditions for undermining the surface are very diverse, and therefore the surface deformation takes place with a wide range of features. This creates difficulties for determining the possibility of development, expertise in choosing safety measures, lack of unification of research methods and results, as well as a significant gap in the expectations of developers from the results of the study and design requests. Such gaps are due to the fact that it is impossible to build direct relationships between the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the displacement process, as well as to relate them to the structures of buildings. On the example of the study of the Shershnevskoye field by geophysical methods, structural changes of the surface layer to a depth of 12 m were evaluated. Identified areas of the alleged existence of old vertical and horizontal mine workings. The authors have proposed a solution to the relationship of the dependences of qualitative and quantitative characteristics by compiling ratings of the developed areas, which will provide a connection with the parametric characteristics of buildings and structures under construction. A number of necessary general and special safety measures are suggested for the operation of the developed areas from old mines.


LLC Gornaya Kniga


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,Geochemistry and Petrology,Geology,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology,Ecology

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