1. B. A. Burton, R. Budney, W. Pettersson, et al., Regina: Software for $3$-manifold topology and normal surface theory, version $4.96$, pp. 1999–2015. Available at http://regina.sourceforge.net/.
2. B. A. Burton, A. Coward and S. Tillmann, Computing closed essential surfaces in knot complements, Computational geometry (SoCG'13), ACM, New York, 2013, pp. 405–413.
3. B. A. Burton and M. Ozlen, A fast branching algorithm for unknot recognition with experimental polynomial-time behaviour, 2014. Preprint, 29 pages. Available at \arxivurlarXiv:1211.1079.
4. P. J. Callahan, J. C. Dean and J. R. Weeks, The simplest hyperbolic knots, J. Knot Theory Ramifications 8 (1999), no. 3, 279–297.
5. P. J. Callahan, M. V. Hildebrand and J. R. Weeks, A census of cusped hyperbolic $3$-manifolds, Math. Comp. 68 (1999), no. 225, 321–332. With microfiche supplement.