1. Black Sea Agricultural Research Institute
Brown Marmorated Stink bug (BMSB) (Halyomorpha halys, Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) was first detected in Türkiye in 2017 and is an important invasive insect species worldwide. About 300 hosts have been identified for this pest until recently. Among the hosts of the pest in the Black Sea region, mainly hazelnuts, fruits and vegetables are included. This study was carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of different traps in 2020 and 2021 in a mandarin garden in the Kemalpaşa district of Artvin, one of the places where the pest was first transmitted to Türkiye. Small Funnel Trap (SFT), McPhail Funnel Trap (MPT), Multi-Funnel Trap (MFT), and Big Funnel Trap (BFT) and two different pheromones SMC and TRC were tested against H. halys. Each trap was tested with two different pheromones, and the trapping performances of different trap types were followed from the beginning of July to the end of October. The adults were counted every week in the traps. In the traps, it was determined that the most insect-attractive pheromone and trap type combination was TRC+BFT and that the least effective insect trapping type was the SMC+MPT combination. In general, it was determined that TRC, which is the most effective pheromone, also works effectively with BFT and MPT. It was determined that SMC pheromone formed a more effective combination with SFT. In addition, it is predicted that larger-scale designs of MPT will be more effective together with TRC, and SFT with SMC. In this study, it was determined that the performances of different types of traps and pheromones that can be used in the control and monitoring of BMSB vary up to 29 times, and the importance of the combination of pheromone and trap was revealed.
Black Sea Agricultural Research Institute
Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics