Generation Z (Gen Z) dominates Indonesia’s population, numbering 27.94%. Marked by their love for new technologies and fear of becoming “outdated”, these traits surely have a good impact on their development. However, these traits rise new negative impact: the fear of missing out (FOMO) which can lead to lower level of life satisfaction, psychological distress, and anxiety. Based on these problems, the study focuses on integrating the love of Christ in family discipleship to overcome FOMO in Gen Z. The authors used qualitative research approach by using literature review. Based on the review of various literature sources and idea framework building, the authors proposed three steps of discipleship in the family according to the love of Christ in overcoming FOMO. Firstly, discipleship is conducted by exposition to agape love concept, which has a role in shaping concept of self in the family environment. Gen Z is discipled by guiding them to receive God's love that provides forgiveness and restoration for sinners. Secondly, discipleship is conducted in family by exposition to storge love concept. Parents provide guidance and education lovingly without having to arouse Gen Z’s anger. Third, discipleship is conducted by exposition to philia love concept, which occurs in an environment of friendship. The family becomes a common place to exhibit Christlikeness in an atmosphere of friendship. Parents become friends to Gen Z and help them experience character and spiritual growth like a friend.
Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Simpson
General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science
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