Souda Sajini,George Saramma,Mannathoko Naledi,Goercke Irene,Chabaesele Kelvin
<em>Momordica balsamina </em>is considered as a miracle herb used in African traditional medicine due to its tremendous medicinal and nutritional properties. In this present study we evaluated the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of the methanol extract of <em>Momordica balsamina </em>(MEMB). Phytochemical screening followed by thin layer chromatography and spectrophotometrydone to measure the radical scavenging activity of 2,2-diphenyl-l-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH). Total phenolic content and total antioxidant activity of MEMB was determined. Zones of inhibition, minimum inhibitory (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentrations (MBC) were measured by agar diffusion and liquid broth dilution assays to assess the antimicrobial activities of MEMB. Phytochemicals isolated were flavonoids, tannins, coumarins, terpenoids and phenols. The antioxidant potential and antimicrobial activity of MEMB can be attributed to the total phenolic content and other bioactive phytochemicals.MEMB showed antimicrobicidal activity more against Gram positive than Gram negative organisms. <em>S.agalactiae,S.aureus</em> (ATCC 25923) and <em>L.monocytogenes</em> were more susceptible than <em>Proteus mirabilis</em>, <em>E.coli, K.pneumoniae, P.aeruginosa or S. typhimurium. </em>MEMB also showed antifungal activity against <em>C.albicans</em> species though at a higher concentration[MIC - 0.938mg/ml and MBC-1.875mg/ml]. MEMB can therefore be considered as a potential medication in the management of infectious diseases.
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