A comparison of frequency of medical interventions and birth outcomes between the midwife led unit and the obstetric unit in low-risk primiparous women


Prelec Anita,Verdenik Ivan,Poat Angela


Introduction: The purpose of this national research was to compare birth, maternal and newborn outcomes in the midwife led unit and the obstetric unit to ascertain whether a midwife led unit reduced medicalisation of childbirth. Methods: A prospective observational case-control study was carried out in Ljubljana Maternity Hospital in the period May - August 2013. The sample comprised 497 labouring women; 154 who attended the midwife led and 343 who attended in the obstetric unit, both matching the same inclusion criteria: low risk primiparous; singleton term pregnancies, normal foetal heart beat, cephalic presentation; spontaneous onset of labour. The primary outcome was the caesarean section rate. Chi-square test was used to compare medical interventions and birth outcomes. Results: Women in the midwife led unit had statistically significant higher spontaneous vaginal births (p < 0.001), less augmentation with oxytocin (p < 0.001), less use of analgesia (p < 0.001), less operative vaginal deliveries (p < 0.001) and less caesarean sections (p < 0.001), lower rates of episiotomy (p < 0.001) and more exclusively breastfed (p = 0.002). Discussion and conclusion: These significant findings showed that in the midwife led unit fewer medical interventions were used. For generalisation of the findings more similar studies in Slovenia are needed.


Nurses and Midwives Association of Slovenia








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